by Jayne Triggs | Feb 20, 2021 | Interior Design Business
FOCUS To Take ACTION!!! So have you started to implement the five FOCUS areas covered in the last five weeks of blogs. We’ve actually FOCUSED on different elements and I hope this has helped you start your new Venture your New Interior Design Business. RECAP:...
by Jayne Triggs | Feb 13, 2021 | Interior Design Business
Help you Learn How To: FOCUS S = Service You Can Provide For New & Aspiring Interior Designers. Creating the right image and no mixed messages in your New Interior Design Business. We’re going to cover one subject, that’s Clarifying Your Business!...
by Jayne Triggs | Feb 6, 2021 | Interior Design Business
Now today Learn How To: FOCUS on U = Understanding Objectives Of Your Clients.For New & Aspiring Interior Designers. What it means in the interior design business The Brief.We’re going to cover these subjects No 1: The Residential Client…No 2: The Commercial...
by Jayne Triggs | Jan 30, 2021 | Interior Design Business
FOCUS today is on the letter C = Clients Who Are They for you as a New Aspiring Interior Designer. Within your Interior Design Business? Who do you wish to serve. We will cover two subjects today. No 1: Unique Niche…No 2: Wide and Varied… So let’s move into this...
by Jayne Triggs | Jan 23, 2021 | Interior Design Business
Learn how to Focus O = Outcome you wish to achieve, as you are a New Aspiring Interior Designer for your business venture. This week we follow on from last weeks Focus on the letter F for Forward Planning. It is imperative for whatever you do is to FOCUS fully on that...
by Jayne Triggs | Jan 16, 2021 | Interior Design Business
Learn How to Focus F = Forward Planning For New & Aspiring Interior Designers to make your new Business. Setting Goals: 1 Immediate, 2 Short-Term, 3 Future. What I’d like you to do is to get pen and paper and I’d like you to have quite a large piece....