Who am I, What I’m about Now? As an Interior designer I have been for the last 30 years. I have had the pleasure of changing and creating environments for my clients homes or businesses. As an interior designer we are dream makers. We take our clients preferences and personality and transform them into their environment.
Let’s take who I am, what I’m about now? Who am I? so I believe life is a progression of steps we are on a journey with its twists and turns. You may start out to do one thing. We are not able to do it because something happens out of are control and you have to change direction. This happened to me with my first choice of career and you look in a different direction and find something else that actually you should’ve been doing in the first place.
Even if you have a passion for a career and you’ve been doing it for a number of years and everything is going smoothly. Because you still can I actually get a feeling of I need to do something else. This is what happened to me so I’m trying something else You would call it a midlife crisis. In the middle of my career as an interior designer. I chose to learn something completely new I went into the fashion industry and learnt a new profession.
I became a manager for a High Street top brand fashion house, a customer orientated industry. A lot of the skills are the same in retail, but you had to learn how to display the fashion Items and provide the exact fashion Item to fit your clients actual shape and sizes.
I took a branch that only sold a third of the stock at full price and within four years turned the branch around. So a third of the stock now was only sold below normal price. Because now we had a branch that’s profitable.
Again I’ve got itchy feet and went back to my first passion interior designing and carried on with this for quite a number of years. Now I’ve come to that crossroads again needing to try something different.
Let’s take at Who am I, What I’m About Now the second part what I am about now ?
I’ve always within the industry helped others and taught new people interior designing. This has become a focus for me I wish to help others to enjoy and get pleasure out of designing. To make a successful business out of being an interior designer.
I have now created a Free YouTube channel and it goes under the heading of Jayne Triggs. I Vlog approximately every two weeks, covering a different topic or subject each time.
It has been recommended to actually inform you what this Free channel is about. And that is why today I am covering these two different topics. Who I am and what I’m about.
As I go through there will be information on different aspects of interior design. And to give you interior design tips. Keep you abreast of new trends. Primarily for me to help new and aspiring Interior designers. So that you can get the most out of the information from the channel.
There is no limitations to which country that I can actually communicate with here at home in the UK. Or just across the water to Ireland, a short hop away is the island of Jersey and Guernsey plus the Isle of Man. You can go a little further afield the United States or Canada. Then really the other side of the world you’re talking Australia and New Zealand.
They all need that Wow factor to their homes or the business projects.
Also through my website you can gain access to join a step-by-step course in interior design. A go to for new and aspiring interior designers.
- Discover How to Develop.
- Increase your Profits and Attract your Ideal client.
- Achieving the Wow Factor for every clients Brief.
The beauty today with all the tools that we’ve got having access to a computer. Being able to talk on Skype or to communicate through Zoom.
The only restriction is time zones, but of course I can schedule appointments in to fit in with peoples plans.
If you’ve just started this as a career and you’ve just got small beginnings. It’s surprising at the extra help that you often need. You are not aware of all the different things you require because you haven’t come across them before.
Just join me and hopefully I can help you go up a level. Also there is the Facebook Group with different information, like minded new and aspiring interior designers.
Ps: Please check out learn how to focus forward planning for new aspiring interior designers
Click the Link:https://triggsenterprises.com/learn-how-to-focus-forward-planning-new-aspiring-interior-designers/