Declutter That Space,Return Calm & Oder

Declutter That Space Return Calm & order. It’s that time of the year again we need to de-clutter our homes. 

We’ve been so busy keeping up with the garden and enjoying outside space. Now you’re wondering why this is relevant, as interior designers we don’t go into someone’s home and do decluttering plus clean their space. 

Declutter That Space Return Calm & Order I will tell you why

You need to do this exercise for yourself, understand it .What the solutions are and the impact that you feel after you have it all clean tidy.

You are returning calm and order to your environment. A feeling of complete oneness with your space.

My advice is to take a photograph of each room first with all its mess and untidiness. It will be so easy once you’re finished the result to forget exactly how bad it was before. Plus you can mentally take a note of what you did to achieve that end result and keep that in mind to help you in the future.

I know this seem extreme but you only have to do this exercise once and you’ll be surprised how much you will learn and retain.You will use in the event in the future, it will influence how you look at things. But you will be unaware of this you will naturally do it.

The reason for this, your clients normally come to you when they need a complete and utter refurbishment. Not when it’s all done and dusted and looking Wow.

If you’re entering the space as a visitor you will look at this space as an overall view. Now we need to look at every nook and cranny because we are there to change things we have to notice everything.

So if we’ve done this cleaning and decluttering exercise for ourselves we know the problem areas.

Now your client is going to ask you to de-clutter there is space for them. They just expect the end result to look like you’ve walked into a showroom for the best house around. 

Remember you need to start off with a clean canvas, for your design. Depending on what you’re actually doing, if you’re doing it completely from scratch for the client. You will get the contract cleaners in to clean. If this is not the case be pacific with the customer so that they can actually get this achieved for you.

Now when you’re designing remember the client has a practical use for everything. I refer to books make sure that you allowed bookshelves if the customer is a bit of a bookworm. 

Also where can you store access magazines. Will it suit having a footstool with a built-in box inside to store the access magazines. Or could you have a decorative trunk that can also be used as a coffee table.

As you go from room to room, look at what you use and why you need it. There are some things you just cannot get rid of. So remember your client will have the same problem. 

We can tend to be too minimalistic when we design things. That is okay for that first impact the WoW factor. But the customer has to live there with the usage of it. And it’s no good when they actually come to use their space its completely cluttered and has lost that WOW impact.

The art is to design the space with the ultimate WoW factor and have the complete and practical use for your client.

So that all visitors experience the wow factor on each visit. This also will promote you to a prospect new client for yourselves. 

Calm & Order

Now get your camera out take that photograph and set to work.


Ps: Please check out give a wave interior design product knowledge.

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